


The circles (O), symbolizing artificial exosomes, and the straight lines (I), representing microfluidic circuits, reflect The DABOM Inc.'s goal to mass-produce artificial exosomes. The DABOM Inc. aims to open a new gateway (M) in the therapeutic market, advancing human health and happiness.

Symbol Mark

  • 스크린샷 2024-12-24 124914.png

  • 스크린샷 2024-12-24 124929.png

Main Color


C:100, M:89, Y:25, K:9

Indigo blue represents The DABOM Inc.'s reliable technological expertise in helping the treatment of patients suffering from diseases. It embodies the company's determination to become a leading global company.

C:0, M:0, Y:0, K:0

White represents The DABOM Inc.'s limitless growth potential and dedication to advance the bio-medical industry and play a central role in improving healthcare through its cutting-edge convergence technology.